Barba Munsignure ( uncle Monsignor in dialect) is a nice double room, furnished with old furniture having original frescoed walls and floor with genoese tiles. In this room sejourned Monsignor Migone, grandmother’s brother, secret Almsgiver of S.S. Popes Benedict XV et Pious XII, when he spent...

Large family room, with double bed and two single beds, furnished in shabby style. Large equipped terrace. We dedicated this room, formerly used for servants, to Maria Luisa, nicknamed Marisa, the smallest of the four Olivieri brothers; we still have her school notebooks. Private bathroom with...

Triple room, with single and matrimonial beds in two separated rooms, garden view, shabby style furniture and original terracotta floor. Caterina was the faithful servant of the Olivieri family, during the second world war she decided to stay with Bisnonna in this house, to protect her. Private...

Double room, with two windows, bright, shabby style furnished and floor with original genoese tiles. Bisnonna (great grandmother), marquise Assunta Migone married in 1890 Giuseppe Olivieri, profession “owner” as written in the identity document found at the house. Here, they spent summer holidays to control crops and...

Comfortable and romantic matrimonial room, furnished in shabby style. Lorenzo, second son of Bisnonna, emigrated in Chile in 1913 due to misunderstandings with the father, he returned to Italy to participate voluntarily in the First World War: he was decorated with the Valor Gold Medal, which...

Triple room, with two windows, with beds in separate rooms, furnished with old furniture and original terracotta floor. Giuseppe Olivieri, nicknamed Pippo, Antonio ‘s father, was a teacher of primary school in Sestri Levante and he was the historical memory of the family. Until 1999 he...

Large double room, very romantic, furnished with old furniture, with 1700 decorated tiles and original frescoes walls. Giò Antonio Olivieri called “Sciu Magnificu” ( Mr. Magnificent in local dialect), doctor, was the first Mayor of Sestri Levante, after the Italian reunification in 1861, and promoter for...